Ecological Footprint

 Edinburgh Open Workshop joins forces with Earth in Common for charity Makers Market
This talk presents the sanitary bin in its historical context for the first time, and argues that it reveal
The Edinburgh Science Festival returns in a month with aroun
Seven out of the twelve gigs in Edinburgh International Fe
Earlier this month I had driven out of Thurso, past Dounreay on my right and turned left along the A897 to…
The 2019 Edinburgh International Book Festival launched the “most international programme in its history”…
Climate change will have a huge impact on health, via heat exposure and changes in distribution of vector-…
We all rely on the seas for their abundant food, mineral and energy resources and yet more than 90% of the…
Malthus was right. There is not enough planet to sustain the growing human population, particularly given our…
This is a rare chance to hear from an array of global climate experts, who are here in Edinburgh for a…
Edinburgh Castle turns green before going black, and landmarks across
A free, outdoor photographic exhibition showing humankind's impact on our planet opened today outside the…
The Edinburgh Vegan Festival is a mini-fest, during the Edinburgh Fringe, of ethically sourced food.
Musicians from the Royal Scottish National Orchestra (RSNO) are being encouraged to leave the car and take…
Over the summer months artist Andrea Geile and horticulturalist Rebecca Govier have been working with local…
The famed wit, Samuel Johnson, once said in his travels in Scotland with friend James Boswell in the 1770s,…
Council funds of up to £2,500 are being made available for green initiatives in the local community through…
Surviving Progress, a Canadian documentary by Mathieu Roy and Harold Crooks (who will be attending the…
Leave it to the wonks at DEFRA to come up with an answer to one of life's imponderables: what is the true…
Guardian columnist and author George Monbiot comes out swinging against his critics in his "Left Hook" tour.…