
Theatre at the <a href="/events/edinburghfringe">Edinburgh Fringe</a> and <a href="/events/eif">Edinburgh International Festival</a>.

A dramatisation of the life of  Welsh vagabond poet W. H. Davies and his association with artist Walter …
Be-Dom definitely have syncopation but occasionally for me they missed a beat. Be-Dom are a percussionist…
On a Fringe that's populated by comics that seem to be run by corporations and theatre companies who have…
Beautiful Burnout marks another collaboration between The National Theatre of Scotland and Frantic Assembly,…
A close-knit fishing community struggles to survive on a wild and unpredictable sea of financial troubles
‘Teenage angst in the North East’ was how Neil Gunn’s novel was once described to this reviewer. It is, of…
Ghillie Dhu is a splendid, new, high-ceilinged venue, with a long mirrored bar reminiscent of Manet’s A Bar…
Under the low-ceilinged, whitewashed cellar bar of Henderson’s, not so unlike that in Burns’ cottage, the…
The sex trade is something which Edinburgh is all too familiar with, from stag-do’s to prostitution, the city…
Every journey has a beginning and every family has a past. In each there are forgotten chapters.
It’s 32°c in Ithaca, and as one of the characters in Enda Walsh’s imagining of Odysseus’ return observes "…
Grandpa Fredo has sadly been dead for quite some time – he’s being preserved in dry ice by his grieving…
It’s a packed house for Wolf.
In 2009 the Beijing Film Academy brought an acclaimed multimedia production of Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer…
Toby Hadoke has somehow managed to find time to watch TV while touring his long-running hit show “Moths Ate…
It’s a brave decision to review a play entitled “Death of a Theatre Critic” especially when the leading actor…
In the afternoon of Tuesday 12th January 2010 a magnitude 7 earthquake devastated Haiti. There were already…
The theme of lucid dreaming has a lot potential. The ability to enter a dream state while still conscious and…
Even on a less-than-promising Edinburgh August morning, a fair field of folk were gathered outside the…
First written in 1997 by thirteen Brentwood students and their teacher, the play was brought to the Fringe…