
Theatre at the <a href="/events/edinburghfringe">Edinburgh Fringe</a> and <a href="/events/eif">Edinburgh International Festival</a>.

Tin Box is a Birmingham based company which creates shows based on storytelling, visual theatre and site-…
In the world of magic, women are generally no more than ‘the lovely assistant’. Not so with French cult…
The clowning genius of Clout is back! Once again the Demonstration Room at Summerhall is graced with the…
Site-specific theatre has become a distinctive genre in recent years on the Fringe – thrilling performances…
Introducing the double-bill Dalgety and Fragile, both by David Greig, director Emma Callander gave us a bit…
An impressive visual mix of old and new.
There are elements to the 2013 EIF programme which are forever 1970s’s America, with performances by Philip…
Between the air raid siren and the all-clear sounding the evening will be punctuated by three bombs falling.…
Three men are in relaxing in their flat. One lies dozing on the sofa, another sits in a chair watching the…
As we celebrate the birth one hundred years ago of Benjamin Britten it was good to get an insight into his…
Entering through the audience, dressed for a sunny day in the park, the cast of A Simple Space began playing…
Joyce famously asserted that his Ulysses was a creation of deliberate, impossible opacity to keep scholars…
"If you let nice-to-do things take priority over have-to-do things, you are guilty of misprioritization and…
Laughter is the order of the day in this hilarious piece that was specially commissioned for this year’s…
The true story of a long lost silent movie version of The Great Gatsby, adapted from F. Scott Fitzgerald’s…
I was once on a bus in Chile which had in place of the usual Don't Disturb the Driver sign one which read "…
Philip Ziegler is a well known biographer and historian with some twenty four books to his name, including…
Without as much as the toot of a trumpet, the eminent art historian, critic and face of BBC’s Culture Show,…
A warm and welcoming direct chat greets the assembling audience as the two actors unabashedly get dressed on…
Beer barrels, bottles and empty crates, dirty wooden frames encasing blackened wallpaper, a bar stool and a…