Live Music

A statuesque blonde Amazon prowls onto the small stage under the low dingy Underbelly ceiling, decked out in…
Midori was born in Japan and started to play the violin when she was three. She moved with her mother to New…
Puccini’s seventh opera La Fanciulla, better known to most of us as The Girl of the Golden West, had a…
To a great build up and the promise of ‘musical madness’, the three very young and very smiley ukulele…
The stage is littered with dustbin lids and childish detritus.  Glittery dresses hang from the rafters and…
A friend and I caught the end of Kassidy’s set in King Tut’s on Saturday at this year's T in the Park.
The reputation of the Czech Pavel Haas Quartet has been gathering momentum since winning the Paolo Borciani…
Columbus discovered the New World in 1492 and with it the prospect of new musical traditions.
From the crucible that brought us last year’s ‘La Clique’, Smoke and Mirrors is another treat from the…
I never thought I would see three of Edinburgh’s well known organists playing The Stars and Stripes Together…
Expectations of the Russian National Orchestra performance at this year's EIF were high and its attractive…
John Kitchen’s recital was on three of the 22 historic keyboard instruments gifted to the University of…
Edward Dewhirst is the Organ Scholar at the Canongate Kirk and is currently preparing for his Associateship…
The Kronos Quartet received an ecstatic reception at the Usher Hall, their first appearance at the Edinburgh…
Barb Jungr was ranked No 1 for The Best Cabaret 2008 by Time Out, New York, No 2, The Best Cabaret 2009 for ‘…
If you’ve ever played dominoes, you’ll know that while the first number has to match with the next, the last…
The programme for this candlelit concert - part of Old St Paul's Fringe series of concerts Hot Chocolate at…
It was somewhat disappointing, for this reviewer at least, for what is in effect Finland’s national orchestra…
Nicola Corbishley is a very talented singer and the wide stage of the venue gave her ample opportunity not…
Three rousing and well known Chopin piano pieces were played yesterday afternoon with great gusto and…