Nicola Corbishley is a very talented singer and the wide stage of the venue gave her ample opportunity not just to sing for us but act out her part. The songs were written by English composers around the theme of love and fidelity.
Purcell wrote three versions of ‘If music be the food of love’ and we were treated to the last and most florid interpretation. Purcell’s ‘Pursuing beauty’ is a charming commentary on love and its undependability.
John Blow outlived his pupil Purcell. ‘Peaceful is he, and most secure’ is a Divine Hymn intended for singing at home. ‘Lovely Selina’ is a warning not to act too hastily in love.
Handel’s Tu fedel? Tu costante? was written soon after he arrived in Italy where opera was then forbidden. So he wrote small-scale dramatic works for the aristocracy. The story is told from the woman’s point of view and where she is having the final word on a relationship. She is determined to be betrayed no more and plans to find a new lover or gain her old freedom.
The two violins, cello and harpsichord which had been accompanying the singer played for themselves Purcell’s Trio Sonata No 9 in F Major. As the final song Nicola Corbishley sang two of Handel’s nine German Arias.
The large and enthusiastic audience was a rightful indication of how much a concert of such high calibre was appreciated in the Fringe programme.
Event: Tuesday 17 August 2.30pm