Edinburgh Fringe

The biggest arts festival in the world.

There is a city where death is king, it stands on every street corner, it lives in every home and it is…
Derevo have a unique style and approach to theatre, and in this their 20th year, they continue as they began.
We are welcomed to this taster of Fear Camp by the three blazered and badged staff.
Panto comes but once a year. Oh no it doesn’t!
‘P.O.V.’ was at one time simple shorthand in the film industry, indicating a scene or image shot from the ‘…
Linguistically crafted as if written by Oscar Wilde himself, this insightful play delves into the unseen…
A plane plunges into the sea. A sole survivor, along with his suitcase, is washed up on the shore of a…
American Pie-British style reflections on a holiday misspent?
The Humours of Bandon is a coming of age story written and performed by Margaret McAuliffe and it is really…
Night has fallen over Edinburgh. A crowd awaits a beautiful chandelier suspended in the hallway of The Dome.…
In a time when the elderly population in the UK is on the rise, and the pension age goes beyond what a…
In the vaulted, aircraft hangar-style Big Belly theatre, the stage is set with an armchair, table with a few…
Poignant Message in a Bottle, ‘The Local’ is a play with singing rather than a full-scale musical. Apart from…
The comedy duo behind PREDRINKS/AFTERPARTY,Jude Mack & Eliot Salt, are back this year with Third Wheel, a…
For some of us, it’s always about money.
The real case of the ‘man on the moor’ caused considerable interest at the time, in part prompted by a series…
Jess and Joe want to tell you a story. A coming of age of story about speedos, scotch eggs and being special.
There is currently a giant image on the front of the National Gallery of Scotland advertising the exhibition…
Austin has Alzheimer's disease and it is progressing Q-U-I-C-K-L-Y(25 points).