The play revolves around the alleged love affair Beethoven had with one of his piano pupils the Countess Julie Guicciardi to whom he later dedicated his Moonlight Sonata. Set in 1802 when Beethoven was in his early thirties, it was the time he discovered he was suffering from terminal deafness which had a profound impact on his personality as he was only beginning to develop a reputation as an aspiring composer.
There are three characters in this short play – Beethoven, the Countess and Counts Moritz and Guicciardi. The script – written by Susie Coreth - does pack an emotional punch during the dialogue with the couple as Beethoven wrestles with the reality of not being in the same social class as the person he loves and whose family have already organised an arranged marriage for her. The story is a good idea and the acting is good. It’s well worth seeing.
13-18; 20-24 August; £8 (£6).