Spent too much time watching the cosy and safe street theatre of Edinburgh's Royal Mile? Looking for something a little bit more dangerous? A little bit more off-the-wall? A little bit more vulgar? If the answer to these questions is yes, then look no further than one of the most profoundly wrong shows at this year’s Fringe.
Champ follows three struggling actors who have found themselves working as children's entertainers at a local mall. As the day wears on, their tempers boil, sparked by an encounter with a child from hell. They seek revenge on the mischievous little boy and will go to extreme lengths to get it.
But could this just bring a terrible end to an already terrible day?
Winner of Best New Script South Africa 2012, Champ is sharp, revolting, shocking, and absolutely blooming hilarious. There are so many great lines (mainly insults) that are worthy of memory, none of which I can relay for you now, that I feel I may have to go again just to try and capture the ones I missed whilst I was wiping the tears from my cheeks.
The performances from all the cast are excellent, giving so much energy and venom to their roles that you are so grateful that these actors haven’t fallen into the same occupation as the tormented characters that they play.
If you are easily offended or marginally sensitive this may not be for you. The subjects can be crude and the language a trifle fruity. But, personally, I find that the offensive, crude and fruity kind of comedy is amongst the best. And this, most definitely, is amongst the best.
Show times
13-26 Aug, 2.30pm