I must admit to being something of a fan of Bridget Christie. I’ve seen her previous shows on the Fringe and her unique and peculiar take on life, including the life and times of King Charles II, the Daily Mail and a remarkable ability to impersonate several types of virus have always hit my funny bone full and square on. But it is always with a sense of trepidation that I attend one of her shows; the balance between surrealism and just plain stupidity is a thin and unforgiving one. So I found myself sitting on the front row wondering what was about to hit me.
Enter the Ant! The show is opened by a rather disparaged Ant, the clichéd and often restrictive view of the role and purpose of the comedic ant has frequently been highlighted in great literature, but this Ant is as mad as hell and isn’t taking it anymore. I don’t think I’m giving too much away if I tell you the Ant is Bridget Christie and sporting what I speculate to be one of the best thoraxes on the Fringe.
After the warm up by the Ant, Bridget appears on the stage and delivers one of her best sets. The material is bizarre, friendly, warm and above all very, very, very funny. She is a gem this woman, she’s discovered a rich vein of distinctive comedy and she is mining it (ant metaphor – geddit?) for all its worth. Watching this comedian is a very special experience and I highly recommend it.
8-29 August, 4.15pm
£8 ( £7)