Saffron Cherry QTPOC Cabaret: 1st Birthday

Image (reusable)
The image shows four people, clockwise from top: A muscular & shirtless flexing mixed-race drag king emerges from a large cake. A black poet wearing a stripey jumper (similarly coloured to the cake) and a pink party hat smiles warmly. A Chinese woman in a black leather jacket & orange party hat laughs. A Filipina drag queen in blue party hat, black dress & gloves reclines sultrily.
Saffron Cherry
Time & place
Tickets and info

Saffron Cherry turns ONE!!! Come celebrate the anniversary of Edinburgh's first all-queer POC Cabaret, hosted by everyone's favourite hunky himbo Butch Ca$hidy! 


Join us April 25th in Paradise Palms for a stunning queer lineup of QTPOC artists and performers. All QTPOC and allies are invited to share in this celebration of QTPOC artistry, performance, and joy with us. 


If you aren't able to afford a ticket please DM us, we have a limited number of free tickets available, QTPOC will be given precedence. There will also be a limited amount of full-price tickets on the door.


Doors: 9pm

Show starts: 9:30pm



Jj Fadaka (poetry)

Rita Hu (waacking)

Lala Munan (drag, live vocals)

Butch Ca$hidy (drag)


  • There is a small step to enter the venue. There is no disabled toilet (toilets are down 2 flights of stairs), but it’s possible to use the disabled toilet in Boteco (bar) next door.
  • The show is mostly seated, with standing room by the bar. If you need a seat for accessibility reasons, DM us and we can reserve you one.
  • The venue music volume outwith the show can get fairly loud at times, so if you have noise sensitivity, earplugs may be a good idea to bring.
  • The venue doesn't have official ventilation protocols (the door is often open but there is no air filtration) and is fairly cosy, so if you believe that you are at risk of transmitting any kind of respiratory infection we would encourage taking an LFT, masking, or considering not coming to the event. We are happy to refund tickets if you can't come due to having Covid. A limited amount of surgical masks will be available at the event, just ask any of the organisers. 