“Blessed are the curious for they shall have adventures”.
A story of fishers of men, but not as we know it!
To describe Sue Glover’s ‘Bondagers’ as a classic of contemporary Scottish theatre is but to do it justice.
‘The Show must go on’ was a maxim that P.T. Barnum and Brian Conley would probably share.
The collision of opposing worlds features in this arresting one-man play.
Dame Agatha Christie is Queen of the ‘Murder Mystery’ genre, having created well- known detective characters…
Mr. Cannon’s passion for all things historical is infectious, as he makes real the sort of magical history…
Masculine mime with a mixed up message.
John Byrne’s version of Chekhov’s ‘Three Sisters’ re-locates the play to Dunoon in the 1960’s.
Life in a Scotch Sitting Room taken to new 18 storey heights.
As humans we are inherently hungry. Hungry for love, desire, security and violence and of course, the…
White Rabbit Red Rabbit is an interesting experiment, but it’s difficult to pin down precisely what - if…
The muse stripped bare.
In another marking of the century since the start of WW1, Sell a Door Theatre Company has chosen to stage…
Today’s maze of social complexities is at the core of this fast paced funny piece about the result of rage…
How to people behave when removed from society’s mores and are thrown to the claim of nature?
HeLa is the story of remarkable success and shocking failure that starkly demonstrates how basic human rights…
Adapting a book to a play is challenge.
It is a mark of the stature of an actor that he gets a round of applause just for stepping on the stage. It…
A mad mental malkie of a play!