
From midday to midnight on the day before Scotland’s Referendum on Independence, The National Theatre of…
To mark National Poetry Day on Thursday 2 October, and in the week of the Scottish premiere of WWI drama…
Euthanasia has been a widely controversial topic that has been increasingly brought up in the news. When the…
Corruption in the business and political world is always a sickening yet intriguing thought that infiltrates…
The fear of technology slowly taking over our lives seems to be an ever-growing theme in recent new writing.
In 2015 the multi award-winning comic masterpiece The History Boys from one of the UK’s most celebrated…
Joe Corrie’s ‘In Time o Strife’ remains a powerful evocation of time and place, with echoes that resonate in…
Edinburgh’s ‘Secret’ Vaudeville is a night of schmoozing, cocktailing, bopping and bedazzling amidst an…
The Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society announced that by Monday afternoon, with hundreds of performances still…
The story follows the trials and tribulations of Cassie, a girl suffering from OCD, whose life is thrown…
For the fourth year running, the Scottish Arts Club - Scottish Theatre Fringe Award is…
From an array of eligible Scottish shows on this year’s Fringe, the following 8 productions are on this year’…
It was The Pleasance's turn to hold its Fringe press launch / preview this morning.
The Festival and King’s Theatre had their best ever year at the Box Office in 2013-14 with ticket income…
The now prestigious Scottish Arts Club - Fringe Award for Scottish Drama is now in its…
The metamorphosis of the South Rotunda on the Clydeside from long vacant 19th century building to a surreal…
Summerhall Fringe shows set to be beamed to 30 UK Cinemas
Last year’s Fringe saw an impressive showcase of Italian theatre that came under the umbrella name Impatto…
Fringe by the Sea returns to North Berwick, from the 4th to the 10th of August.