World Cup 2010 in Edinburgh

Submitted by edg on Thu, 10 Jun '10 12.54am

It's taking place in South Africa. Scotland didn't make it. But you can be sure that when the starting whistle blows for the first game between South Africa and Mexico at Soccer City stadium in Johannesburg many in Edinburgh will be tuning in to share the moment.

With wall-to-wall, World Cup football lined up for ensuing weeks, pubs, restaurants, student unions, and other venues across the city will be carrying live, big-screen coverage of games. 

For example, the French Institute is hosting free, big screen shows of the Coupe du Monde de Football, on 11, 17, 22 June (whenever France play, of course).

Police and council were worried about World Cup revelry becoming unruly if games were shown on the big screen in Festival Square so that appears to be nixed (and no doubt the Edinburgh International Film Festival, which is taking place nearby in The Filmhouse, wouldn't be too happy either). 

But, until the final on 11 July, it will be difficult to miss the biggest competition on the planet.
