Time & place
Edinburgh bicycle advocacy group, Spokes, is turning its Spring Public Meeting into a hustings for the Scottish Parliamentry Election on 5th May, specifically on cycling and transport related issues.
The event will be using a format that allows audience members to grill each of the candidates for Holyrood at close quarters.
Party representatives:
- Conservative Party: Iain McGill : Ed Central candidate
- Green Party: Cllr Steve Burgess : Lothians List candidate
- Labour Party : Sarah Boyack MSP : Ed Central, Spokes member
- LibDem Party: Cllr Gordon Mackenzie : Lothians List candidate, Convener of Ed Council Transport Committee
- SNP Party: Marco Biagi : Ed Central candidate
The Format
Each candidate will have:
- 5 minutes to present the party's cycling policy in context of its wider transport policies.
- 10 minutes answering questions in sub-groups of the audience
Before the event
The event starts at 7.30pm with coffee, stall, exhibition and chat, from 6.45pm.