Rossini Petite Messe Solennelle

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Scottish Chamber Choir
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The Scottish Chamber Choir opens its 2024/2025 season with a performance of Rossini’s Petite Messe Solennelle which is the most substantial of the works written during his later years. Indeed, it is one of the most remarkable compositions of his whole career, demonstrating his ability to write beautiful melodies (often frankly operatic in character), with an unfailing sense of colour and drama, and great contrapuntal skill. Its title exemplifies Rossini’s characteristic wit, as it is of course neither petite nor particularly solemn. The music ranges from hushed intensity to boisterous high spirits, and abounds in the memorable tunes and rhythmic vitality for which Rossini became justly famous.*

The choir will be accompanied by Michal Gajzler on piano and Sofia Ros on accordion. Our vocal soloists on this occasion are drawn from the chorus.
