Black Dingo Productions with A company called Andy presents Gagarin Way by Gregory Burke. With a performance on 14 February this black comedy could make for an interesting alternative Valentine's night out. Gagarin Way, now a modern classic, is an acerbically comic look at the Scottish working class and the dying tradition of socialism in Scotland.
It asks tough questions about morality, and political activism versus apathy. The naturalistic direction is by David McFarlane, founder of both Black Dingo Productions and A Company Called Andy, the first of which is a not-for-profit organisation with a DIY ethic, established to help the development of grassroots theatre in Edinburgh and to keep the city's stages thriving year-round.
- Eddie - Brian Hill
- Gary - Martin Restrick
- Tom - Rob David
- Frank - Derek Elsby
All profits from new professional theatre company A Company Called Andy go to the central fund for Black Dingo Productions' work.
£8/£6. Ticket includes option to stay a little later and watch comedian Keara Murphy's new development piece Of Mice and Men, a quirky one woman show about dating.