Kids activities

Children's events and activities

Following a critically acclaimed run in Edinburgh, Red Bridge Arts, a company whose mission is to nourish…
Thousands of runners will be pounding the streets and hills of Edinburgh for the well-established 10-mile run…
Unique Events, who have produced Edinburgh’s Hogmanay for 24 years for the City of Edinburgh Council, said…
From Frozie-Toesie to Goosie Gander, a bevy of birds take centre stage at the Scottish Storytelling Centre on…
Owen and Olly are back, bringing their Christmas Swingalong to Edinburgh’s Usher Hall.
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas – the Scottish Ballet is in town.
This is one for all the family in the large open space of the National Museum of Scotland's main hall.
Flann O'Brien’s gloriously comic novel The Third Policeman contains the strange and memorable concept “…that…
There’s a sense of wonder in the Lyceum as a series of hot air balloons held together with string and that…
The needles may still be intact on the Christmas trees, Santa notes may still be being written and not one…
We’ve not even had St Andrew’s Day but the panto season has begun and one of the first off the starting…
The shows are here! That was a cry that always echoed great excitement among youngsters.