Edinburgh Military Tattoo to Expand Outside the City

Submitted by edg on Thu, 21 Aug '08 8.24am

The Edinburgh Military Tattoo is to extend its reach beyond Edinburgh, with a series of four events to be staged across Scotland, it was announced yesterday.

Speaking at a reception for Directors of the Edinburgh Festivals and international media in the capital, First Minister Alex Salmond revealed that four additional satellite shows will be arranged for 2009 - Scotland's Year of Homecoming. These historic events will be free, with venues and locations yet to be confirmed.

The Year of Homecoming marks the 250th anniversary of the birth of Scotland's national poet Robert Burns and as a tribute to the Bard the 2009 Tattoos will feature specially commissioned arrangements within a Burns themed production.

The programme of Homecoming celebrations was given a further boost with the news that the Scottish Arts Council has pledged an additional £250,000 to further enhance the line-up of activities being developed.

First Minister Alex Salmond said:

"The Edinburgh Military Tattoo is one of the summer highlights- a spectacular show that sees Edinburgh Castle transformed into a dazzling stage set. That's why I'm delighted that next year it will be widening access and enabling more Scots across the country to be a part of the experience.

"For homecomers this will open up opportunities to explore Edinburgh and beyond and to be a part of the historic extension of the Military Tattoo.

Scotland's Homecoming celebrations will run from Burns Night (January
25) to St Andrew's Day (November 30) 2009, across more than 50

The First Minister said that plans are shaping up for a Homecoming celebrations "across the Edinburgh Festivals" including the International Festival, the Fringe, the Book Festival, the Science Festival, Edinburgh Film Festival and Winter Festivals - there are plans to take part in the Homecoming celebrations. Already a programme is taking shape that promises national celebration not to be missed!"