Edinburgh Fringe

The biggest arts festival in the world.

The problem with staging Macbeth as light children’s fare: it’s not really a comedy, is it?
Some pixie pamphleteering for the Naws, but the Ayes have it!
A brilliant show: funny, touching, and completely satisfying to someone who had no familiarity with the books…
It was The Pleasance's turn to hold its Fringe press launch / preview this morning.
Mika was last here more than 10 years ago but he returned again today like an extinction event meteorite…
A multi voiced feminine prose poem.
A ballsy struggle between protocol and principle.
“The post office has a great charm at one point of our lives. When you have lived to my age, you will begin…
Taki Maori has an intimacy that many shows on the Fringe lack, a small family of Maori and it is a family, a…
Young fans of light sabers and space adventures will enjoy this show.
One man’s poignant journey to a pivotal political decision.
Welcome viewers to the world of TV, a diet of cooking programmes, quiz shows and old comedy reduced to a…
Assembly Festival is perhaps one of the most famous and recognisable brands, and has earned a reputation for…
The now prestigious Scottish Arts Club - EdinburghGuide.com Fringe Award for Scottish Drama is now in its…
At 1.45 pm on Friday 1 August, young participants of East Lothian Youth Musical Theatre, Youth Theatre…
Macmillan Cancer Support’s annual art exhibition has grown over 12 years to become a much anticipated event…
Summerhall Fringe shows set to be beamed to 30 UK Cinemas
Last year’s Fringe saw an impressive showcase of Italian theatre that came under the umbrella name Impatto…
Fringe by the Sea returns to North Berwick, from the 4th to the 10th of August.