Flashmob Fringe Launch at Brunton!

At 1.45 pm on Friday 1 August, young participants of East Lothian Youth Musical Theatre, Youth Theatre Company and Youth Dance Company will ‘flash-mob’ at the front of The Brunton t showcase East Lothian Council’s Summer Arts Programme and to help announce the launch of The Brunton’s Fringe programme.

Around 20 young people will surprise members of the public with their acting, singing and dancing; an experience that we trust will linger in their memories for a long time to come. Our hope is that the flash mob video and campaign call will become something that makes ripples throughout East Lothian and across the world; inspiring more young people to take part in arts activities as a fun way to develop their creative and lifelong learning skills.

East Lothian Youth Musical Theatre, Drama and Dance Summer Arts Intensives for young people aged 12-18, offer young people a fun filled week of engaging drama and dance workshops designed to create a mini dance or theatre company. Young people develop drama skills and techniques by creating a play in a week, or experience a variety of dance styles and work with choreographers to create two contrasting pieces. The week culminates in the groups coming together to perform an outdoor Move It Flashmob! and a showcase double bill on the theatre stage at The Brunton for family. These workshops are a great chance to experience the professional side of theatre, music and dance!

The Drama and Theatre intensive courses run from Monday 28 July to Friday 1 August from 10am until 4pm (7.30pm on Friday), take place at The Brunton in Musselburgh and cost £75, or £60 for Leisure Pass Plus holders. Spaces can be booked by calling The Brunton on 0131 665 2240.

The Brunton has programmed a buzzing mix of music for this year’s Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
