STUFFED, Pleasance Courtyard (Above), Review

STUFFED -  photo by Jack Ehlen
Rating (out of 5)
Show info
Ugly Bucket
Rachael Smart and Grace Gallagher ((co-directors), Duncan Gallagher (composer / sound designer), Liz Barker (lighting designer / production manager), Charly Dunford (associate lighting designer, Kaila Sharples (company stage manager), Sascha Gilmour (original set / costume designer), Rhiannon May (captions).
Grace Gallagher, Angelina Moana, Jessica Huckerby, Caníce Ward, Adam Nicholls.
Running time

“Running a food bank is a lot like putting out fires”

We are stuffed into the theatre and our seats, we are constantly surrounded by stuff, but are we seeing the stuff happening on our doorsteps?

During the pandemic the theatre company volunteered at food banks and council helplines supporting the distribution of emergency food parcels. The personal testimony which they gathered indicates that things are bad.  Millions of people are worried about their next meal. We probably know this, “this is a totally unoriginal production” we are reminded, nothing that we haven’t heard before, but there is a burning need to pay attention.

A boiler suited figure emerges to take a break, he is besmirched as if he has been toiling at the coalface or extinguishing fires. This is the face of food banks, run with military precision but propped up by an army of mainly retired people, the same that social media pit young against old.

Verbatim recordings inspire energetic sketches of fast and furious clowning, juggling “orders” catering to specific households - a veggie, Halal, one cat.  The choices of those relying on food banks are starkly reflected in STUFFED – The Game Show, its catchline “Budget Better” as a contestant sees her balance diminish.  Vet, boiler or dentist; eat or heat; food or tampons?  

As a work from home mum describes dealing with a never-ending stream of calls to a crisis line as a “sticking plaster for the eviscerated” a man casually and squelchily stuffs his intestines back in only to have the official services kiss it better and give themselves a pat on the back. In a mockery of a “trickle down economy” two pigeons fight violently over crumbs from the top table. Soon the workers are rushing with buckets, firefighting.

As the situation is viewed through furious eyes the testimony through gritted teeth becomes sadder and reveals the larger nature of the problem.

People are stuffed.  But there is good stuff in the bad stuff.   

Maybe not as deftly crafted as their previous work “Good Grief” but with a pounding soundtrack, projections, effects and wild physicality this is an incendiary hour of theatre.


Show Times: 31 July to 26 (not 18) August 2024 at 2.25pm. (All shows captioned and audio described)

Tickets: £14 (£13) to £16 (£15).

Suitability: 14+ (contains flashing lights, haze, stage smoke, loud sounds/sirens, flame, pyrotechnics, strong language, audience participation and potentially triggering themes involving the discussion of/recordings around food poverty).

Note: Ugly Bucket are accepting food bank donations at Pleasance Courtyard Café, before and after the show. For more information on which items are most needed visit the website.