EIF24: European Union Youth Orchestra, Usher Hall, Review

Rating (out of 5)
Show info
EU Youth Orchestra
Symphony no.1 – III (Mahler); The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra (Britten)
Gianandrea Noseda (conductor)
Running time

From more than 3000 candidates, the EUYO is made up of over 120 musicians each year – this was an inspiring and uplifting performance, characterised by enthusiasm and joy.

It was good to see the lighting adjusted to pick out the percussion in their important moments of Mahler’s symphony – its ponderous opening was soon given a fresh interjection of energy, taking us onward and upward, though in the stately manner that the work of course demanded. Each element of the orchestra was given its chance to shine. Correspondingly, the brilliance of the entire work was showcased, in a simple but sophisticated way. 

And of course this theme continued in the following Britten piece. In a playful way, the elements of the orchestra almost fought for dominance and prominence – vying with each other – while then uniting in a majestic coalescing for the unforgettable climax.

This was another EIF performance where the stalls were removed, in preference for the beanbags. It was an occasion which clearly celebrated – and wanted to encourage – the upcoming musical talent from all across Europe, and every effort had been made to make it accessible to all. Past young members had been invited back, and were cheerfully in attendance.

We might have viewed the higher stage as ostensibly filled with ‘young’ musicians, though there was a salutary reminder that these would have been playing their instruments from the age (of 4 or 5) – many years having been invested in getting to this place – from so many cultures, traditions and settings.

We all relaxed on the cushions to listen and enjoy. The advertised encore was ‘Nimrod’ from Elgar’s ‘Enigma Variations’. It was a crowd-pleaser, for sure. But as well as the one planned, there was also one surprise: Texidor’s ‘Amparito Roca’ – the orchestra leapt, jumped and processed around the stage as they played.

Noseda had spoken in the Preview about the young musicians being something of a partly blank canvas – open to surprises, new insights, fresh input. This resulted in an hour of real vim and vigour. 

The performance finished at 7.00pm.

European Union Youth Orchestra, Friday 16th August, Usher Hall