'Absurdity', 'Bizarre', 'Weirrrd!' 'The answers to the eternal questions.' These are the notes I wrote while watching the first 10 minutes of Trygve Wakenshaw's Nautilus. A show which follows in the vein of Squid Boy and Kraken both of which were comedic wonders in previous Fringe years and Nautilus is the third in this marine trilogy.
Trygve follows in the path of Jacques Tati and indeed his act echoes the early work of Tati before the appearance of Monsieur Hulot, these are big shoes to fill but he manages it. His show cannot contain much more than a 100 spoken words - it is almost all physical and visual humour, but with a twist. Like a Larson cartoon made real, each scene has a question mark which hangs in the air, an observation on the ridiculous nature of the situation portrayed or just a funny lingering image.
Each setting is punctuated with a spotlighted tableau and even this is subjected to the distorted imaginings of Trgve's fertile mind. Hens crossing roads, torch singers and several dead horses all fall within this man's comedic reach. The show is wonderfully creative in ways that other people who have moved in similar territory have not even begun to explore. It captures your attention with little effort and leads you down into a completely different world of fun and laughter.
It was only the second night when I attended but he already had a house that was bursting at the seams. I predict that he will sell out very quickly and great things lie ahead for this entertainer.
6th Aug 2015 - 30th Aug 2015
Forth - Pleasance Courtyard
Suitable for ages 12 and above