Justin Moorhouse: Seven Review

Submitted by JD Stewart on Fri, 14 Aug '09 1.29am
Edinburgh Festival review
Rating (out of 5)
Show info
CKP By Arrangement With Comedy Store Management
Justin Moorhouse
Running time

I really enjoy going to see stand up shows at the Fringe. I especially enjoy when I don't know the people at all, but everyone else seems to. I'm not being sarcastic, it merely gives me a small sigh of relief as the room gets busier and busier. I at least know that I have made a good choice.

In Justin Moorhouse's Seven I wasn't sure what to expect. The stage was empty apart from a Snow White costume on a mannequin, and we were promised a costume change which was unfulfilled, much to my dismay. I would have enjoyed seeing him in the dress, but not to worry.

The basic premise was that of the number seven, and how there are seven basic plots to stories in the world. Moorhouse worked his way through how each one related to his own life. All the while, giving us anecdotes and observations on how people react to each other.

In my opinion, some of the stories that went with the plots, didn't really fit, but that didn't seem to matter. Moorhouse pulled the audience in with his premise, and really could have said anything he wanted and the laughs would still have come.

For something I was unsure of, this was a very enjoyable hour of well-crafted stand-up. Less angry and more self-aware than some comedians, Moorhouse manages to hold your attention for the full hour with great confidence. His humour seemed like that of the everyday man, a perfect way to get into people's heads at the Fringe and definitely worth your time.

Times: 13-30 August (not 18), 9.40pm