Gilded Balloon Comedy at The Studio, FTE

Submitted by edg on Thu, 27 Oct '16 7.07pm
Tickets and info
Telephone (box office)
+44 (0)131 529 6000

Headlining this comedy night is Jonny Awsom, the guitar-playing comic rabble-rouser, blessed with gangly comic features and an old-fashioned, slightly surprised looking face that radiates bonhomie.

Armed with an arsenal of satirical songs and dispensing warm comedic musings, he's planning on having Scottish audiences laughing, singing and maybe even performing on stage!

Jonny Awsum will be joined by the multi-award winning Australian comedian, writer and actor, Felicity Ward and the 2014 finalist of The Gilded Balloon’s So You Think You’re Funny competition, Jim Smith.

Raymond Mearns, will be keeping the comedians in check and the audience on their toes.

The Gilded Balloon Comedy Night also plays Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline, on Thursday 3rd November and Drygate Brewing Co, Glasgow, on 4th November.

Tickets (from FTE)

£12.50 (£10.50 conc)
