LOVE Gorgie Farm

Venue details
51 Gorgie Road
EH11 2LA
Edinburgh Area
Telephone (info)
0131 337 4202
About the venue

Gorgie Farm is currently closed.

Much-loved working urban farm with lambs, pigs, chickens, quails, and a variety of crops. Community run since 1982, formerly as Gorgie City Farm, it is free to visit.

The farm holds regular green events such as a farmer's market and pony days, and encourages people of all ages to roll up their sleeves and get mucky. There's also a farm cafe and foodbank.

The farm went into liquidation in November 2018. Following a successful fundraising campaign, it reopened on 29 February 2020, with charity LOVE Learning given the lease to run the farm as an education and social care charity supporting vulnerable children and young people across Scotland.

Gorgie Farm was closed in February 2023 when LOVE did not renew its lease due to lack of funding. There are plans afoot to re-open the farm in 2024 under the management of Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations Council (EVOC).


55.938188, -3.228642