John Sinclair House

Venue details
16 Bernard Terrace
Edinburgh Area
Telephone (info)
0131 662 1456
Fringe Venue
About the venue

John Sinclair House is the home of Historic Environment Scotland's archive collection and library. 

The records began in 1908 and now hold more than five million items covering all aspects of the historic environment.

If requiring a print of any of the records or photographs, you are advised to check the archive online and make a request in advance, to save time.

The archive includes various collections. CANMORE is database of survey and recording work for Scotland's historic buildings, archaeological monuments, and industrial and maritime sites.

Scran has access to more than 480,000 images, videos and audio files on material culture and human history from archives, galleries and museums across Scotland and the UK.

The HES Archive also has maps, books and access to the millions of aerial images in the National Collection of Aerial Photography.

Searching is free (or pay a small subscription for enhanced access). Most library services across Scotland also offer access.


55.9409421, -3.1798075