Fondly known as "The Knock," this rolling, windswept corner of West coast farmland is the venue twice a year for two music fests, the World Ceilidh in June, and the Hairth in September.
The music is a mixture of folk, Celtic rock, roots music, and more housey sounds, scattered across a tented village with a large main stage at the centre, and several other tented music venues, cafes, bars (draft ale and a cocktail bar), a cinema tent, healing area, and a traditional long croft where jams take place. Food is available on location, although most come with their own provisions as well.
The rest of the year, the farm and the surrounding hills belong to the sheep.
Visit the festival web site for details of special buses from Edinburgh, via Glasgow. If you drive, bear in mind that you will need to buy a festival parking ticket. The nearest railway station is New Cumnock, which you connect to via Glasgow Queen's Street, but you still have to find a way to get to the fest itself. Cycling takes about three hours from New Cumnock station.