Six years after its launch, Edinburgh bicycle recycling depot the Bike Station has taken in its 25,000th bike…
You thought it was over? Seems BAA, who run Edinburgh Airport, are still getting to grips with the local snow…
It is almost a year since The Scotsman published a "platform" article as an open letter to Jenny Dawe, the…
Has day-to-day freezing ice and snow become the new normal? It seems to have been going on for ever. First it…
The weekend snowfalls, plummeting sub-zero temperatures, and freezing fog are continuing to make travel…
Trains took their first run on the new Airdrie-Bathgate Rail link on Sunday (December 12).
Scotland's main railway company Scotrail has come up with a novel way of dealing with the kind of freezing…
Alex Salmond has appointed Keith Brown (pictured), formerly Minister for Skills and Lifelong learning, to…
After the deep freeze on the roads, the political heat proved too much. Stewart Stevenson was forced to…
As recent snow turns to slush, life in Edinburgh is returning to normal. However, the thaw has brought its…
Three days after Scotland's "perfect storm" (as Transport Minister Stewart Stevenson has dubbed Monday's…
Travel disruption is continuing across Scotland. Edinburgh was around -13C last night and the Met Office is…
As Edinburgh's snow related problems plummet new depths, it feels like we are in the script of a Hollywood…
Hundreds of drivers stranded in their cars overnight as temperatures plummeted to -14C. Journeys that…
Heavy snowfalls have grounded planes at both Glasgow and Edinburgh airports again today.
The resignation on Friday of three more key officials from the staff of Tie (Transport Initiatives Edinburgh…
Edinburgh awoke today (Sunday 5th December) to another cold , wintry day - but thank goodness there has been…
The snow showers may have relented for now, but it has given way to a fiercesome freeze in the last couple of…
Now that Edinburgh has been in the grip of the severe winter weather for almost a week it seems like a good…
Edinburgh Airport not expected to open til 4pm as heavy snow keeps coming.