Blackout traces the different stories of five alcoholics from their first drink to the last, and the terror…
David Greig's inaugural season as Artistic Director of The Lyceum was recently announced and among the many…
A new musical by an Edinburgh Writer comes to the stage in June for its world premiere.
The very beautiful space that is Edinburgh’s Dovecote Gallery today played host to this year’s launch of Made…
The story of little orphan Annie is given a fresh relevance through a revamp that takes the edge off the…
CATS 2016 Shortlist Announced - Another Fabulous Year for Scottish Theatre!
This year, dance lovers can flock to see a diverse Bevy of Swans, or to use a more apt expression, a…
Once described as “hilarious” by the Scotsman, Gary McNair ambles onto the stage of Traverse Two to tell the…
What do you get when you put the educational premise and puppetry style of Sesame Street, a cynical yet…
This year, the 400th since the death of the world's most iconic literary mind, marks the first tour for…
A sense of both inclusion and looking beyond theatrical confines were the strong themes that came across…
‘Money is power and freedom – who isn’t interested in that?’ asks Andy Duffy’s anonymous stock market trader.
Beating off some fierce competition from over 400 organisations across Europe, renowned Scottish Children’s…
In an exciting collaboration between one of Scotland’s most innovative theatre companies and the national…
Opening on a bare stage suggestive of prairie onto which George (William Rodell) and Lennie (Kristian…
The Festival City Theatres Trust, which runs the Festival and King’s Theatres in Edinburgh, is delighted to…
Set in and around ‘windy Troy’, Chris Hannan’s re-imagining of ‘The Iliad’ opens bathed in a sunshine that…
Richard Medrington harnesses the venerable art of storytelling and steers a gentle path through Tolkien’s…
An education programme developed by Edinburgh International Festival(EIF) has, in partnership with award-…
Curiosity may have killed the cat but it is a natural human trait to wonder about the lives of others and how…