There’s an odd thing that happens in this city when the sun comes out. It really does rub me up the wrong way. Everybody becomes so happy and luvy and optimistic......urgh! Whatever happened to the October crowd? The rain walkers? The Prozac munchers? Why can’t things just be the way they were?
Thankfully, one can always rely on the theatre for a bit of a downer. And with zombies in town to remind us of how soulless and consumer bent our society has become, surely the sun itself will go out and the black clouds of doom will suffocate all the joy and goodness out of that merry little band of sunglass wearing smiley smileys’?
It turns out that Smalltown, a trio of interconnected tales surrounding a contaminated water supply and a subsequent zombie infestation, is an absolute jolly hoot. It makes Shaun Of The Dead look like an Eastenders HIV storyline.
This show is absolutely hilarious!
The script is fast and fierce, with enough heart to make it something more than simply and zom-com rip off. There is the added joy of audience participation towards the end. I wont give it away just now; but lives depend on the decision you make.
Jonathan Holt is reminiscent of a young James Carrey in his roles as part time water salesman, Carter, and horny numskull, Cooney. That may sound like a bit of a put off to some, but he is simply comedy gold. It is difficult to keep your eyes off him whenever he is on stage. He is the difference between a good and a great show.
A fright fest it is not, but a laugh a second, entertainment extravaganza it is. I haven’t enjoyed myself so much in a very long time. Go and see it!
God, I’m turning into one of them, aren’t I!
Edinburgh Smileys’ 1 - Edinburgh Tears 0
Show times
24 - 26 March, 7:30pm