The powers that be appear to have a habit of diminishing the importance of arts education, fobbing off any strong willed creative attempting to open their eyes, before axing a substantial quantity of their budget. The amount of schools able to offer drama as a subject, even to higher level, have dropped in the past few years leaving young brains buzzing with ideas and no stage to pour them onto.
Luckily for these youngsters National Theatre Connections is celebrating its 21st birthday by enrolling 10,000 young people from across the country to aid in the production of theatre in 40 major venues, including Edinburgh’s Traverse Theatre. This festival has allowed for two of the cities best alternative classrooms, Lyceum Youth Theatre and Traverse Young Writers Group to team up and showcase the work of their enthusiastic young artists.
Opening their double bill was the work of two of the Traverse Young Writer’s Group, Sarah Thewlis’ humorous back and forth of stars-to-be attempting to claim centre stage, Upstage, Dorothy Porter, and Mel Rozel Brayford’s belief suspending tale of what happens to your old, cupboard bound clothing, Please Pac a Mac.
Fortunately with a three night run, the Writer’s Group are able to stage script-in-hand performances of two young writers' work per evening. Bravely acted by the Lyceum Youth Theatre the two pieces opening this run offered, not only intriguing premises, but witty conviction in their linguistic skills that would be sure to get A*s all round.
The latter half of the double bill saw the poetic plot of Lucy Lime’s disappearance unfold upon the coast of Cornwall, 1999. Returning seven years on, the gang of friends retell the story of the 1999 eclipse when a mysterious girl arrived and then, somehow, departed.
The poetic prowess of writer Simon Armitage lends itself perfectly to the portrayal of children on the cusp of growing up. Lyrically incorporating language beyond their years and rhymes found on any nursery bookshelf, the dialogue presents an edge worth clinging to for the quick hour spent in their company.
Told through adolescent flashbacks, any fact is eradicated from the tale, drenching the sandy crime scene in ambiguity.
Double casting offered opportunity for further collaboration with Lyceum Youth Theatre, and witnessed compelling performances from all the youngsters who stepped on stage.
Stand out performances from Hannah Sweetham (Lucy Lime), Sam Drysdale(Young Klondike) and Ellie Duncan (Young Tulip) neatly placed the cherry on the cake for this evening of bold, and exciting talent.
Thursday 10 – Saturday 12 March, 2016
Time: 7pm start
Ticket Price: £12.50 (double bill)
Accessible Performances: Audio described performance on Saturday March 12th