Edinburgh Fringe

The biggest arts festival in the world.

A friend, an intellectual property lawyer, once speculated what music might play in institutional day-rooms…
The young cast of Maltings Youth Theatre is at its best with the meatier roles in this production. Peter…
A Japanese parable of greed, sloth, industrialisation, lust, deception, lies, and stupidity. Not bad for…
The audience loved it, they were close to perfect - DON'T CHANGE!
Going to see a show for children can be quite embarrassing and fearful. First you feel the embarrassment of…
Alfred Jarry's original production of Ubu Roi in 1896 caused riots on its opening night and has since shaped…
Never having been to see anything at the free fringe, I had no idea what to expect.
Bridget Christie has a twinkle in her eye when she delivers this wonderfully engaging piece of comedy. Her…
Let me just make one thing clear. It's really hard to review a show when the person doing the show makes…
As the man himself admits at the end of the show, the big old barn that is Traverse 1 is really a bit too…
Maeve Higgins arrives at the bar in the Gilded Balloon with a freshly-baked cake that she plans to give away…
Of all the constituencies who might find themselves drawn to this production, it is undoubtedly the smallest…
Described as a work in progress, Whisky Kisses requires extra ingredients to seek the perfect blend. The…
This is fantastically exciting show which no one should miss!
Terminus is a play for three actors in rhyming couplets. Not the easiest form, nowadays at least, for…
You have to spare a thought for poor old Chekhov. There he is, a writer who created a whole genre that…
Former Perrier award winner Rich Hall brought a smile to many a face as he read passages from his book,…
Within the confines of yet another random room in the Pleasance, semi-competent ventriloquist (her words, not…
Having loved their sketch show Idiots of Ants 2008, I was excited when I had a chance to meet the guys behind…
As I write this, the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics is sprawling across my TV screen, making me…