Edinburgh Fringe

The biggest arts festival in the world.

Machismo. Men all over the world strut around with it, so why can't women have it too? This is Lyons' main…
Following sell out success, rave reviews and Most Promising New Musical and Best Lyrics at the Musical…
Gertrude Stein (1874-1946), the avant-garde American writer was inspired by European culture and from 1903…
The ad hoc environment of the Fringe has always been a loaded forum for shows to react to global events, and…
The term "award-winning" is tossed around the Fringe as much as flyers discarded in bins. But Belt Up Theatre…
The Pleasance Baby Grand is a small venue, built from Portacabin Lego, hot and clammy on the day this…
I was once in a bar and I met a woman who seemed to be able to look right inside me and tell me what was…
We travel with Rosi from her father's grave back into the past as she works out her relationship to her…
Georgia O'Keefe is always worth considering; in spite of attempts by commercial print-makers to domesticate…
The young cast of Lochaber Onstage bring Edinburgh's murky past alive with the story of the notorious ‘body…
Dreams, wishes, rivalries and death. The students of Mulberry School make a third appearance on the Edinburgh…
In Morningside, a 15-20 minute jaunt from the city centre, there is a gem of musical theatre awaiting a…
Before the USA dragged the willing and the unwilling into the quagmire of Iraq, one play captured the '…
They come along rarely, like diamonds in coal dust, glittering in all that darkness that is the Edinburgh…
"Doesn't it get exhausting?" and "What's the point?" asks Dulcinea in this exploration of the first chapter…
Issy van Randwyck is a star of the musical stage: a triple Olivier Award nominee for various West End…
When you go to a show called "The Devoured", about the destruction of a family in the Holocaust you know it's…
Edinvegas doesn't work as well as Glasvegas, but Abbi Roberts got her show underway recalling her time…
There may be no such thing as a free lunch but there is still a free fringe event. OK, there may be a bucket…
It has always been a mystery to me, who decides what shows play in which venues at the Edinburgh Fringe.…