Witch? Women on Trial, Greenside @ Riddles Court, Review

Performer Natalie Lyon stands on steps, long dark hair flowing around her, looking into the distance.
Rating (out of 5)
Show info
Edinburgh Storytellers Ltd
Natalie Lyon (Writer)
Natalie Lyon
Running time

The history of the witch trials in Scotland is a part of our past that many are vaguely aware of, but the reality of that time is not often part of that awareness. Writer and performer Natalie Lyon is a passionate advocate for the impact of the witch trials on women, with an extensive knowledge base of the women who endured the trials and the methods by which they were judged.

Lyon explores the reasons that women may have ended up bearing the brunt of the accusations, particularly looking at those women who may not have been the meek, obedient types that the time period expected. Being outspoken, stubborn, or simply non-conforming was enough to be considered troublesome as a woman at that time, and therefore there much be a reason for it… with the Devil as a perfect symbol for the basis by which the women then had to be witches.

The show is filled with a wide range of facts and information: it is clear that Lyon is an expert in this field and an ardent exponent of the cause for recognising just what the accused women experienced through no fault of their own. It is more of a spoken word show, rather than theatrical although there are some brief moments of performance from other characters that Lyons introduces. The theatrically did not always flow as naturally or as easily, as the spoken word sections, and therefore were not as successful in execution as they could have been, but the knowledge with which Lyons speaks shines through. Playing to a packed house, this is a show which clearly speaks to many.

Show Time: 2-24 Aug (not 11,18) @ 12:30
Greenside @ Riddles Court
Ticket Prices: £18 (£16)
Accessible entry: First floor via lift along narrow corridor and then 3 steps down into the space; Wheelchair access type: Not fully wheelchair accessible; Stairs: 11- 20; Age: 14+ (Guideline)