Opening with a full-pelt, rapid-fire monologue that brings us into the mind and world of Nicole Nadler, Why Am I (Still) Like This? is a wonderfully personal insight into the challenges and experiences of a person with a neurodiverse condition (ADHD). As the writer and performer of this emotionally-charged, at times heartbreaking, but ultimately heartwarming piece, Nadler is open and honest. The audiences follow the journey that Nadler has been through and due to her candour, can appreciate some of the difficulties she has been through.
Individuals can feel lost in their life journeys for all sorts of reasons, but for Nadler, her experience was constant until a diagnosis of ADHD helped her to understand why she felt different. Labels that we hear and can be dismissive, become targets that the diagnosis bats away, although what this show does is beautifully express the impact that such judgement has on a human being simply trying to find their way in the world.
Nadler is funny, empathetic and charming: as an audience member you want to give her a (virtual) hug for the experiences she has lived through and her mastery in creating this humorous, witty and ultimately triumphant piece. You would do well to bring a tissue (or two) with you as, even despite yourself, the raw honesty will bring you into the world of Nadler and leave you coming out the other side, emotional but somehow refreshed, and hopeful about the future.
Show Time: 4-10 Aug; 12-24 @ 18:10 (the show is also available separately as a Watch On Demand from 6th Aug)
Ticket Prices: £10 (£8)
Accessible entry: Via a door from street level and a lift.; Wheelchair access type: Wheelchair Access; Wheelchair Accessible Toilets; Temporary Ramp, Lift (Building Lift); Stairs: Information not supplied; Age: 16+ (Guideline)