Vanishing (2024), Greenside@ George Street, Review

Performer Xiner Lan sits on the floor in front of white and orange boxes, with a projection screen in the background, shown with an orange wash
Rating (out of 5)
Show info
in-version ensemble
Cerulean Chen Long, Jane Jian Su, Xiner Lan, Jess Reed, Ruby Yiqi Wang, Lucy Jiayun Zhang, Chloe Zhu (Staging, Script, Design); Jane Jian Su (Producer, Projection Artist)
Xiner Lan (A); Jess Reed (B)
Running time

This two-hander show is an interesting concept exploring two women stuck in different time periods and in different countries, with very different experiences of life. Their languages are different and while they can at times communicate in one shared language, most often they miss each other or are simply confused. There is a phone in the middle of the room by which the two communicate. There are boxes which represent the food for the diner in which we, the audience, have first turned up to, but the boxes also represent choices and are turned around at various points, depending on suitability to that moment. As a concept it is bold, innovative and challenging.

The two performers have a misbalance in terms of performance skill which makes it tricky to settle in to, although both come across as sympathetic to the audience. We do want to understand why this has happened: we want to know what has led to this. With such a surreal piece, believability is key, and this did not always succeed as it should have, which then impacted the strength of the piece. 

Its concept and execution are unusual, and it feels like, with some further exploration of what the message is, strengthening of performance skills and with overall finetuning, that this piece could be an exciting piece to behold. 

Show Time: 16-17 Aug @ 18:45
Greenside @ George Street
Ticket Prices: £14.50 (£10)     
Accessible entry: Through wheelchair access entrance, and up through first lift audience will come to and up to the First Floor and along corridor into Fern Studio. Lift dimensions: Doorway: 660mm x 1980mm Internal Dimensions: 920mm x 770mm Capacity: 410kg (6 people). Wheelchair access type: Permanent Ramp, Level Access, Lift (Building Lift). Stairs: Information not supplied. Wheelchair Accessible Toilets. Audio Enhancement System. Captioning. Age: 14+ (Guideline). Babes in arms policy: Babies do not require a ticket. Policy applies to: Children under 2 years.