Shakespeare for Breakfast, C Aurora, Review

Shakespeare's head with a croissant on the bottom right
Rating (out of 5)
Show info
C Theatre Company
C Theatre
C Theatre Company
Running time

Shakespeare for Breakfast has been a Fringe staple for many years (this is its 33rd Fringe): a little Shakespeare, with free croissant and tea or coffee thrown in, is a gentle way to start your Fringe day. This year’s offering is a light-hearted romp through The Tempest (sort of), updated for a modern audience. It is a fun and energetic foray into Shakespeare that is family friendly and accessible for all, no matter what your knowledge of the Bard. The young company are engaging and bounce off of each other as they navigate the updated story (the characters are siblings and their friends dealing with the challenges of separated friends and being away from home at university). It works well as it can appeal to those unfamiliar with the original as well as those who know their Shakespeare better. 

The humour in attending the University of the Remote Islands and the ways in which friends can fall out due to misunderstandings is tackled face on. This is slapstick at its best, and while the amount of actual Shakespeare may be minimal, the storyline has enough hints to remind the audience where the journey is taking us. The Shakespearean-like text that is spoken is well-pitched. While it will not satisfy those looking for purer version of the original, for those keen to see a different take on Shakespeare that does not overwhelm, then this is the show for you. 

Show Time: 10:00
C Aurora 
13-25 Aug
Ticket prices: 13, 19-20 Aug £9 (£7); 14-16, 21-23 Aug £11 (£9); 17-18, 24-25 Aug £13 (£11)

Accessible entry: Entrance to main house and accessible toilet is via level entrance to halls to halls from Lauriston Street (slight downward slope to floor in foyer). Accessible toilet in ground floor foyer, adjacent to space. Wheelchair access type: Level Access. Stairs: Information not supplied. Age: 0+ (Guideline.) Babes in arms policy: Babies do not require a ticket. Policy applies to: Children under 2 years.