There was an electric atmosphere in the Leith Theatre – a fantastic venue to be at, and one of the more recent additions to the EIF arsenal, now the home for its contemporary music performances. And as the EIF continues to move beyond the city centre, so it is simultaneously embracing a greater diversity of performances.
And this was indeed an evening which was as much a celebration of inclusivity and diversity, as it was about the music itself – though that was, as always, out of this world. Having previously identified as genderqueer, before coming out as a transgender woman in 2021, Ezra Furman has become somewhat of an icon for the marginalised and misunderstood, there being so much in her songs which inspires hope, but which is simultaneously honest about real pain lived.
The volume and power were cumulative. Furman emerged onto the stage wearing a very thin dress and very thick boots – maybe appropriate that the opening song was ‘Lilac and Black’, (the corresponding colours chosen), and dedicated by Furman to every trans-woman.
Many of the numbers were from her forthcoming new album to be released on Friday, ‘All of Us Flames’, so it was a treat to hear so many of these in advance, with some never having been played to an audience before.
After a brief hitch with the technology, Furman returned with even more vigour and fervour – ‘Dressed in Black’, one of those new pieces, was euphoric. Later, “Love you so Bad” launched a thrilling final set in an evening which had inspired hope and lifted us high.
The performance finished at 9.40pm.
Ezra Furman, Tuesday 23rd August, 8.00pm, Leith Theatre