Roald Dahl’s classic tale of a rotten married couple is brought to life here with ETC’s production of The Twits. This children’s play is goofy, with cheerily-dressed narrators that speak right to the kids. The horrible and unpleasant Mr. and Mrs. Twit live up to their narrative promise: Mr. Twit has a big, burly beard with bits of food left in and Mrs. Twit has a crooked eye, hunched back and wicked snarl. The two consistently solicit “ahhs!” and “ewwwws!” from the little ones throughout the show.
In this telling of The Twits, the horrible couple has captured a family of Mugglewumps from Africa and have brought them back to England to be trained, against their will, for a circus act. The monkeys, along with their bird friends (and the audience!), must work together to outsmart the nasty duo, escape and turn their world upside down, quite literally.
The enthusiasm never drops with ETC’s production, and that keeps the kids sitting forward to catch every silly insult, twist, and acrobatic dance move. Not as much laughter as you’d expect from a kiddy show, but this review was still in the previews of Fringe, after all. Despite this, the bright colours, engaging audience interaction, and delightful puppetry makes this a chipper hour for families of all ages.
Aug 4, 6-11