Partnering up in the rehearsal room for the first time, Ad Infinitum’s co-artistic directors and real-life couple, George Mann and Nir Paldi discuss the pros and cons of the partnership of a lifetime: Parenthood. In a ‘gender-bending musical cabaret and verbatim theatre’ mash-up, this gay couple hash out the prospect of bringing life into a world that’s running out of room fast.
With only a few tables and stools, and two rainbow rails of clothing, these two skilled performers dash around the stage, jumping in and out of roles, situations, and on and over tables. Dipping in and out of the realms of the play, we often see tender moments of concern illustrated in a big musical number - or simply in a few honestly spoken words.
Two of their Fringe performances are fortunate enough to be BSL interpreted, which refreshingly didn’t see the signer confined to down stage left in spot light, devoid of consideration and creativity, but instead this duo had interpreter Jo Ross fully incorporated into the piece from beginning to end. Whether this decision was made out of the principle of inclusion or because their years of experience have allowed them to consider every element artistically, this innovative incorporation should be commended.
Leaving no stone unturned, Mann and Paldi look into the social, logistical, emotional, psychological and even environmental benefits and issues of reproduction. Should they bring another child into an already over-populated planet? Or should they give a child who has no home a chance? Will they still be able to work as much? What Impact will working away from home have? Will the child hate them? Will they need a mum? Will she have a vagina? What do those things do? Through arguments, fantasies and hyper-real enactments, these prospective fathers try to find the answer to “Should we have a kid?”
No Kids provokes deep though and apt concerns into whether the world we live in, although improving, is actually ready for gay parents, or will scrutiny and prejudice prevail. On the other hand, these two men could bring a child into an open, progressive environment where they receive nothing but love, support and a home to become whomever they wish to be. One thing is for sure, if these two men can raise a production with this much honesty, flare and inclusion (not to mention a Madonna song for every mood), any baby would be in safe hands.
Runs 1 - 27 Aug (Not 8, 13, 21)