Songs go on for ever while artistes are transient, is the message of this new musical by John & Gerry Kielty.
With a cast from Scotland's main Academy, the performances are strong, the singing good and the direction tight.
The story is about a diva whose songwriting team has the equivalent of writer's block and happen upon a musical workshop of wannabees.
The songs are clever and illustrate the process which demonstrates that it is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration. The production is a bit like a songwriter's version of 'A Chorus line' but does not explore the depths (if they exist) of the characters.
There is lots of physical theatre, but the interaction of the characters is limited.
Victoria as the Diva is excellent in terms of demonstrating that stars can be only interested in themselves. The Chief writer is the central character and the actor who plays her orchestrates the production really well.
The main flaw is that there was not a character to like: no romance, no back story as to why they were in the workshop except for the guy that got there instead of the debt counselling course.
The performers are good, but the show lacks charm or drama that would make it more appealing.
Contains Strong language
Runs to 28 August (even days), £10/£11