A Bubble to blow about! This is an innovative production that combines a lot of humour with a serious philosophical question about the essence of life.
Using a simple set and the cast in the main playing multiple parts, the show starts with some really catchy music and a great deal of fun.
A local girl falls for a visitor from the city and the inevitable happens 9 months later.
The new mum wants to stand apart from the other locals and calls her baby, Anastasia, and as middle-class incomers move in she becomes part of the set who are resented by the local men and women.
The mum's own Mother and Father are really well played with excellent comic timing. The children of the set are key to the story and the playgroup scene is particularly good.
As Anastasia grows up with her friends and goes to the local comprehensive school the plot turns serious.
She realises that she is Miss Average, a disappointment to her Mother, while all her friends are good at something.
She becomes a recluse and is not there for one of her friends when she is in need.
How she deals with 'Who am I' and 'Why this life' I will leave to future audiences.
The cast is excellent - a really high standard - and the actor playing Anastasia deserves the lead with quality singing, an expressive face, and that stage presence that cannot be taught.
There is not a weakness in sight and the whole company deserve credit.
Runs to Saturday 27, 6.40pm
Tickets £10 (£7) Family: £26