Anne-Isabel Meyer, the cellist, was lucky enough to come into possession a rare edition from 1871 of Schumann's arrangements of the six Bach cello Suites. Schumann had begun work on his project to publish all Bach's works, 'Bachgesellschaft' in 1850, a century after Bach's death.
With Peter Lea-Cox at the piano, Anne-Isabel and he played all six of what Schumann had renamed as Sonate at St Andrew's and St George's West over three days.
I was fortunate enough to hear the middle recital of Sonate No 3 and Sonate No 5. The first in C major, the second in C minor. In between the two Peter Lea-Cox gave us an fascinating insight into the background to the music. There was little doubt that there has not been a performance series of all six cello sonatas in recent times. It was a treat to hear Wednesday afternoon's offering.
Performance: Tuesday 17th August 2016 at 16:30