There can be turbidity in the world of dance. Classic styles are compelling but if not developed and progressed they can become torpid and stagnate. And yet so many choreographers play safe. They do not push against the envelope they are asphyxiated by it.
This is far from the truth in this pas de deux danced by the remarkable duo Chiara Taviani and Carlo Massari. In this piece which orbits the world of tragedy and sadness through the motif of the tragic blonde this pair of exciting dancers deliver the second instalment in a trilogy, the first being a massive hit 'Maria Addolorata' in last year's Fringe.
These are true dancers. It communicates itself through every line and movement, every nuance and attention to detail every extraordinary second of their performance. The transition from a beautiful and frivolous start to a dark and emotional ending, the gradation from light to dark is beautifully paced, seamless in its execution. It must also be said that some of it is laugh-out-loud funny or I thought so, not so some of my fellow audience members, so maybe I'm wrong there?
Chiara Taviani is remarkable, she brings a focussed intensity to her work which makes her compelling to watch and Carlo Massari has a wonderful and masterful control of his technique and the two blend perfectly together. The choreography is creative and imaginative while borrowing from the classic form it is no slave to it. To see where dance is progressing and who are in the vanguard go and see this production.
8 - 15 August, 12:20
Suitable for 12+