This was a thoroughly enjoyable traditional Choral evensong, according to the Scottish Prayer Book - a traditional church service, yet clearly advertised and tailored to reach out to the wider community. The event was greatly enhanced by the visiting choir - The Chapter House Singers (over 20 voices), affiliated to St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral.
After an uncertain start with the Introit (Locus Iste - Bruckner), the Preces & Responses (Ayleward) were beautifully sung, along with the Noble in B Minor Canticles, and the Psalm (145) set to the chant by Hezekiah West. A very impressive building was absolutely filled with an equally amazing sound - most especially during the Anthem (Cantique de Jean Racine - Faure).
It was heartening to see such a good attendance - and especially with regard to the number of younger people and families present. The hymns were heartily sung, and the congregation present clearly very much appreciated the occasion - this was additionally evident from the very well organised post-event refreshments.
Event was at 3.30pm on Saturday 22nd August 2015.