The first of the two sonatas was composed in 1800-01 but never received the popularity of the Spring Sonata written at the same time. It is one of only two in a minor key. For all that it's full of fun in its three movements.
Straightaway Lawrence Dunn was busy on his violin keeping up with Gilmour Macleod's feisty piano and all thought of an outside world are lost as the audience is absorbed into Beethoven's magical world. By the second movement there's a real too-and-fro between the players. Then the end is surprisingly quiet. The third movement follows quietly but before long the piano takes the lead, the violin follows and there's huge energy for us to enjoy.
The second sonata is No 2 in A major. The lasting impression I took home with me was of its impishness. Nobody better with his flowing hair and naughty smile than Lawrence Dunn to play this along even though a few of the bowing manoeuvres were particularly short and easily missed. Importantly Gilmour Macleod showed his keyboard that he was loving every moment of the tussle.
One of the shortest performances of classical music at the wonderful St Andrew's and St George's West - but no less enjoyable. Great fun.
Event: 9th August 2014 at 12.30pm