Everyone who performed was extraordinarily talented - the Royal Over-Seas League through its international awards for young musicians gets the pick of the bunch.
But it was Ben Baker, born in 1990 in New Zealand, who stole the show for me on his violin. He was playing a slightly mournful Mozart Violin Sonata, the only one written in minor key. Ben's introduction to what he was to play was a treat and made the listening to him play all the more intent. Peter Limonov was accompanying on the piano and like Ben has already enjoyed a star studded career. How different he looked with his hair style from the photograph provided on the programme!
Ashley Fripp began the concert on the piano playing Haydn's Sonata No 60 with great confidence and polish. British born, he has won prizes at more than a dozen national and international competitions.
The Cavaleri Quartet was formed in 2008 and again Ciaran McCabe's enthusiastic and informative introduction to what they were to play made such a difference to its enjoyment. Again a minor key, Mozart's Quartet in d. Annie Beilby on the viola clearly knew her stuff but there were times when her lovely hair flopped over her right eye!
A very special afternoon's music.
Event: Monday 19 August 2013 at 4pm