The quiet command and confidence that exuded from Leif Ove Andsnes’ playing was impressive. And without any ado he embarked upon the half hour long mighty Waldstein Piano Sonata - one of Beethoven’s greatest, composed in his middle period in 1804 and named after his close friend and patron Count von Waldstein of Vienna.
It is technically difficult to play because of its additional trills. I know it well - for my colleague spent very many hours learning and committing it to memory some years ago. Although in another room my brain absorbed much of it, and it was a huge pleasure to hear the Leif Ove Andsnes interpretation.
Beethoven’s Piano Sonata in F that followed is far less known and considered humorous. Indeed at times one thinks of a cat trying to catch its own tail.
On to Chopin waltzes.The first three were played in the reverse order of their composition, all different but written for the popular demand of their time for smaller concert and gatherings. The fourth waltz, in A flat Op 42, was one of which Chopin was particularly proud and is today a firm favourite.
Even better recognised was Chopin’s Nocturne in B, another work I had subconsciously taken on board as my colleague committed it to his memory - and so another treat for me. Ballades completed this magnificent piano recital by an extraordinarily gifted pianist.
Event: Thursday 16 August 2012 at 11am