The blurb about this show doesn't give too much away so I won't either so as to preserve the impact of the opening. It's enough to say that due to some technical wizardry and clever staging gravity is defied before your very eyes and a myriad visually stunning images are created in front of you.
Tobias Wegner is a remarkably talented dancer and athlete. The illusion which rests at the core of the show is exploited by his remarkable performance and every possible confronting quandary and challenging visual pun is performed.
It's a great show, a clever idea and technically flawless. My experience after 25 minutes was that my brain became accustomed to the visual paradox and some of the scenes went on too long. A drawing episode and a performance sequence leading up to the final scene edged into tedium.
The show runs for 65 minutes. I am certain that a reduction to 60 would have helped. Nevertheless, this is a marvellous creation of visual theatre worthy of the accolades it won last year on the Fringe and for anyone who has not seen this performance I recommend it.
Show times
Daily til 27 August (not Weds), 1pm.
9, 13-16, 20-23 August £14 (£12); 4-7, 10-12, 17-19, 24-27 August £15 (£13) Family ticket: £45